Greenland Island

Located near the Greenland Point Landing in the Town of Danforth, densely forested Greenland Island has long served as a place where local residents and visitors can enjoy a moment of quiet solitude and take in an expansive view of the lake. The property is owned by the Woodie Wheaton Land Trust (WWLT) and is open to the public.

East Grand Lake, Danforth, ME
6.1 Acres
Date Protected
September 11, 2008
Water Access
Wildlife Watching
Primitive Boat Access

Conservation Purpose 

Greenland Island is a critical component of lake conservation to the East Grand Lake region. Greenland Island was once a developed property, but has been restored to its natural character. The East Lobe is preserved for outdoor recreation by local guides and the general public. The Western Lobe is being protected to preserve the natural ecosystem that supports fish, wildlife, and plants alike.

Key Features & Property Description

Greenland Island is a kidney-shaped island located in the lake’s largest open-water expanse. Its shape splits the island into west and east lobes. The west lobe is largely untouched and remains as an ecosystem for small mammals, birds, and fish. The east lobe is a popular recreation spot for visitors to stop at for lunch or even the night. Common birds you’ll find on Greenland Island are herrings and black-backed gulls. Common trees are spruces, firs, cedar, and birch. 

The island features rocky shorelines and a forested profile. Exploring the island you’ll find Billy Springer’s (the “Hermit of Greenland”) old cabin. Mr. Springer lived alone in his sturdy cabin with a team of workhorses in a nearby shed to keep him company. His old block chimney and root cellar remain as part of the island’s heritage.

Public Access

Greenland Island acts as an ideal spot for fisherman or picnickers to stop for a meal or stay the night. Greenland Island offers a space for one party of 10 maximum to camp. The space includes a picnic table. The best boat access would be on the East Lobe of the island where your boat will be protected from the wind. You’ll find iron rungs in rocks where you’ll be able to anchor your boat.

Greenland Island Campsite Rules:

  1. Two-night limit
  2. One party limit (first come, first serve)
  3. Limit party size: 10 
  4. Carry in, carry out
  5. Pets allowed, but clean up after them
  6. Do not cut live trees
  7. Open fire requires a State of Maine fire permit
  8. Chainsaws, fireworks, and loud music are prohibited

State of Maine rules and regulations apply.

The Greenland Island Acquisition

The Woodie Wheaton Land Trust purchased scenic Greenland Island, in East Grand Lake in 2008. The purchase was undertaken for the benefit of the general public—for the aesthetic and recreational enjoyment of all lake users. The land trust is committed to preserving the natural character of East Grand Lake for future generations.

Located near the Greenland Point Landing in the Town of Danforth, Greenland Island has long served as a place where local residents and visitors can enjoy a quiet respite under its dense forest canopy, while enjoying the expansive view across the lake. Consisting of over one half mile of rugged, undeveloped, forested shoreline, the island also contributes greatly to the natural beauty of East Grand Lake.

To ensure that this local landmark will forever provide public benefit, and that development rights are extinguished, the Woodie Wheaton Land Trust has responded to the property’s appearance on the real estate market by purchasing it with a mortgage loan from Machias Savings Bank. The land trust has purchased the property and created a stewardship endowment for the island. We are still in the process of fundraising for the endowment.

Saving Greenland Island

The Woodie Wheaton Land Trust has long viewed Greenland Island in East Grand Lake as a critical component of lake conservation. When the island came on the market in 2008, the Trust acted quickly to purchase it via a mortgage loan. The next summer, WWLT board, staff and members gave the island an interior makeover. Filling plastic garbage bags with decades-old rubbish, they tidied up the grounds and transported the debris to the Danforth landfill. They also repaired the picnic table and improved the pathway on the south side.

For all lake users, Greenland Island is a precious oasis. WWLT is committed to permanently maintaining this scenic site for primitive picnicking and camping. The island can once again be enjoyed by all—guides who spin their stories at lunch, visitors who want to enjoy the natural setting, and local folks who wish to have a few moments “away from it all.” 

The Two Lobes of Greenland Island

This property is an island located in East Grand Lake in Danforth, Washington County, Maine. East Grand Lake is situated in the headwaters of the East Branch of the St. Croix River and  serves as the international boundary between New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA. 

East Grand Lake is a large cold water fishery of approximately 16,070 acres with a maximum depth of 128 feet. It is stocked with landlocked salmon and contains a natural population of lake trout and smallmouth bass. The property is situated near Greenland Cove, a neighborhood containing seasonal shorefront camp lots and a commercial campground. 

There is a public boat launch and public parking area about 1/4 mile east of the island that can serve as an access point. Greenland Island is irregular in shape and depending on the water level (the lake drawdown can be as much as 6.5 feet) varies in size and shape. At high water, the subject can appear to be two separate islands. For this reason, the island can be described as being in two segments referred to as the “east” and “west lobes”. The entire parcel is about 6.1 acres. The east and west lobes were estimated to be 2.8 and 3.3 acres, with 1,400 and 1,600 Waterfront Footage respectively. The waterfront footage is estimated to be 3,000 feet. The island is relatively flat and rocky with shallow soils. The shoreline is rocky and shallow, making it challenging to approach by motor boat.

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